Thursday, January 6, 2011

Time for a big update

Since Thanksgiving things have been both boring and busy. 8 weeks on bed rest made for some really boring stretches of time, but the holiday season with a toddler and a new baby on the way kept Paul really busy.

We are very pleased to welcome Anne Elizabeth Cribari to the family!! She was born on January 1, 2011 (1-1-11!) at 8:10 in the morning, weighing 8 pounds 1 oz, and measuring 22 inches long. After a few days on the blue bilirubin bed, she is doing great, sleeping, eating, and doing all the other things that newborns do. Lily wants absolutely nothing to do with her, and so far keeps calling her "Nana's Baby." She will not be so happy when Nana leaves and forgets her baby. Here are some pictures from the last month and a half or so, just to keep things up to date.

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