Thursday, July 23, 2009

9 months

Good afternoon! Lily here, coming to you from beautiful Denver, Colorado where the weather is beautiful and so are the babies. I turned 9 months old yesterday, and aside form another trip to the GI specialist, it was a pretty great day. I have been working on some new skills since the 8 month check in, but "almost" is the word of the day. I almost have two more teeth - but not quite. I'm almost ready to crawl - but not quite. I can almost associate the name Daddy with the guy who lives here - but, again - not quite.

Mommy and Daddy are going insane trying to figure out this eating thing. I am now drinking Nutramagin, which smells even worse then the soy, and I am on two different medications. Turns out my stomach is smaller than most other 9 month olds, and it empties out really slowly, so I can't eat as much at one time. Bummer. I keep telling Mom I want more, but she's mean and won't give me what I want. We'll have to work on that. See you next month, and I hope that all those "almosts" are mastered.

love, Lily

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mid-summer update

So, we are almost halfway through the summer, and I can't believe how fast it's going by! After our trip to Dallas, we spent a few more days in Texas. We headed down to Austin for Abby's baptism, and then Paul and I took a quick little trip to San Antonio for some needed mommy/daddy time! Once we got back to Colorado, we had a great time over the 4th of July with Paul's family. We are also aggressively working to solve the refulx (ok - barfing) problem. Lily went to a GI specialist last week and had an Upper GI done. We're waiting for the results, but in the meantime, we are making adjustments and trying to achieve a baby wardrobe that doesn't include a bib with every outfit. We'll be at 9 months soon, so Lily will be checking in!

Here we are before Abby's baptism

Lily's first ride in the GTO

"Gimme that popsicle"
"So listen, Daddy, I really like swimming, so let's get a pool"
Lily before the Upper GI. I love the little hospital gown!
Lily loves bathtime!