Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stop, Drop and Read

Ahhhh. On a cold winter night, there's nothing like putting on your snuggly footie PJs, curling up in your favorite chair and reading a good book.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, the holidays have come and gone, and we all made it through alive! It was great to have two weeks together, and we saw lots of family and friends both in Denver and in Dallas. Our Denver holidays were filled with lots of down time, indulgent afternoon naps, and great food. Our Texas time was a wonderful opportunity to see lots of family, but it also included another trip to the ER. What threatened to be appendicitis was actually just a bad stomach flu that started with Kathleen, moved on to Nana, Aunt Karen and eventually got Paul as well. We are all back to normal - or at least as normal as we get! We hope you all had a great holiday season and we wish you a wonderful and healthy new year!

Lily loved playing with Luke's kitchen

Cute cousin Abby!

Curly girl Lily sitting in a carriage

La Cantera lobby had lots of cool animals