We are still working on the GI issues and altering her diet and medication. All the rice cereal in her bottles has given her a nice layer of fat for the approaching winter months. Finger foods are the name of the game these days, and Lily LOVES to feed herself. She has decided that moderation is for suckers, and she shoves every iota of food on her tray into her mouth as quickly as her chubby little hands can grab them.
One new adventure was a trip to the movies! A local theater has the cry baby matinee twice a week for moms and babies. Its totally fine if they cry or fuss, and there was even a changing table in the theater. Awesome, right? Not so much. Lily was terrible and my mom ended up taking her into the lobby for the last part of the movie. Won't try that again for a while. Here are a few photos of the cinema critic.
This is definitely one of the cutest little girls ever!!!
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