Wednesday, April 22, 2009

6 months!

Time to check in! Sorry about missing last month's check in, but my life was insane! I was in Dallas visiting my peeps down there and was having way too much fun to blog! So here is the latest in Lily Land! While I was in Dallas I got the hang of rolling over, and it is my favorite thing to do now. The only problem is that I still can't seem to get back over the other way. Very frustrating. No matter how much I try, I can't seem to figure it out. It's very tiring, so sometimes I just put my head down and rest until I have the energy to try again. Turns out that its way nicer to sleep on my tummy anyway.

I had a great long vacation with both Mom and Dad since they were on Spring Break. I didn't go to day care for 4 weeks! I've been back for the past two weeks, but in no time it will be summer and the folks and I will be very busy. We have lots of plans to visit different people and places and I can't wait! Here are a few recent pictures so you can see how big I've gotten. See you all soon!

love, Lily

Happy Girl!

Concentrating so hard...

What's up, Mommy?

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