Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ho Ho Ho Review

So, Christmas is over and it was great! I also turned 2 months old, so it was time for my monthly report. I figured that since I am a practical girl, I would combine posts. Over the last month, I have been on 4 airplane rides, met numerous family members, gotten together with some new friends, and even saw Santa Claus. I'm working on holding my head up, and I'm growing like crazy. At my doctors appointment, I weighed 10 pounds and am almost 22 inches long! Now I get to wear even more of my cute clothes, but I had to kiss some of the smaller ones goodbye. Here are a few pictures I took along the way...ok, I was just in them, but they're still awesome.

Two months old and hangin' out in the Bumbo

Waiting in line to see Santa!

Cousin Luke and I in matching Christmas jammies. Don't look directly into the stripes...

Four generations of strong women

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