Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The newest addition to the family

We have an exciting announcement! A new addition has joined the Cribari household - our new camera. We're very excited and ready to take all sorts of fabulous pictures. I've included a few beginner shots of my favorite subject. I'm sure that after a few lessons at the camera store, I'll be ready to start my own photography business.

Having Dinner

Apparently still hungry, so she's eating the swing

Not sure what to make of this face

Just a happy girl in her PJs!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bath Time Musings

Sometimes Lily and I have lengthy conversations while she is taking her evening bath. We discuss politics, cultural trends and The Wonder Pets. Mostly we pay "Monkey See, Monkey Do", or in her case "Monkey Say, Monkey Repeat" She probably has about 30 or so words that she can repeat. She uses some very purposefully, and sometimes we just make her repeat things that we think sound funny coming out of a toddler's mouth. Here is a recent bath time conversation - albeit, a one sided conversation.

Here are just a few other pictures of the recent walker as she explores the world around her!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Update

It seems like it went from Winter to Spring overnight, and it has been great to see everything coming to life in our neighborhood. Lily is doing great, and loving the time she gets to spend outside. The last few months have brought about a lot of change for our little chicken, and she has really gone from a baby to a toddler. She is picking up new words everyday, and repeating most of what she hears. Due to that trend, we have to stop inviting sailors over so that she will hold off learning to swear. She is also finally a biped! She still falls back to crawling when she feels the need for speed, but she can now officially be called a walker. I have complained so much that she is such a late walker, but my mother loves to remind me that I waited just as long when I was her age, and walked at about the same time. Hopefully the knee callouses will soften up soon, and the toes of her shoes will last a bit longer!