So - I am now closer to my first birthday than my actual birth. 7 months and getting bigger everyday! Since we last spoke, there have been some big changes. The biggest news is about two very small teeth that have made their appearance on my lower gums. The hurt like nobody's business right before they came in, but once they came through, I felt so much better. I like to stick out my chin now and show my teeth off to anyone who will take the time to admire them. I think some more may be on the way, because I'm in an inexplicably bad mood these days.
I have decided that being sick is for the birds. I got sick, Daddy got sick, Mommy got sick. It was terrible. I had to go on my first antibiotic because my eyes got so gross that I had a hard time seeing! Now that the sick days have passed, I am looking forward to a happy, healthy summer. Mommy is almost done with school and we are heading to Texas in less than a month. I'll have to phone in my next update from Dallas. Take care!
Love, Lily

And I just thought this one was funny...